To spread the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga, which remains forever the same in essence, yet always adapts to the time and place.

Samadhi - The Deep Meditation Handbook
A new book by Peter Marchand

GREAT NEWS: 'SAMADHI - The Deep Meditation Handbook' has finally been published!

Originally I thought to write a book of about 200 pages in roughly half a year. Now here I am 2 years later with a book of over 600 pages. I finally decided to bring the book out in two separate volumes, as it will be much nicer to handle for the reader.


Volume 1
Volume 2


The eBook contains both Volume 1 & Volume 2

The transformation brought about by the deepest state of meditation - known as Samadhi - is everyone’s birthright. And clearly, we are entirely free to find our own way inside. Yogic science has an answer and a practice at the ready for every question that we might encounter on this path. I have tried achieving the same in this book. It is based in over 40 years of meditation practice, as well as in the experiences with my students.

In wellness meditation we are quite free in what to do and it might give us a really nice experience. From the point of view of yogic lore, achieving a state of mental relaxation is however just the beginning. To reach the really deep state of altered consciousness called Samadhi requires a rather clear if personalized methodology. If the transformative power of actual yogic meditation is our objective, there truly is a lot to learn in easing the process of withdrawing towards our very center.


I hope the reader may enjoy the reading, as I have enjoyed translating the ancient science to the here and now. May it inspire equally to try out some of the described practices. It will not only bring real insight, yet also the direct experience of our truly blissful divine nature. Certainly the reader should develop personal preferences regarding the practices and attitudes proposed here, but to discover our path we must know our options. Any more lofty objectives aside, may it help all to be more happy, healthy and wise.


The Samadhi Handbook gave birth to many booklets.


Naturally, not everyone is up to the challenge posed by the size and the yogic ambition expressed in the Samadhi Handbook. That is only natural, logical and totally fine. For those seekers, 15 Samadhi Handbook Extracts have been created as handy booklets of 100 to 200 pages, which allow us to zoom into a particular subject. There may be some overlap in the introductory pages in order to explain the basic concepts of the Self, the layers of beingness, etc. That aside, these booklets are entirely unique and complete overviews of particular issues that affect our spiritual growth and meditative practices. From wherever we are, we are able to step forward. There are no requirements but the free willingness to lift up just one foot. Ultimate reality does the rest.


The Samadhi handbook is now available on Amazon - click here for all outlets


Download the FREE PDF PREVIEW of the first chapter & the Table of Content (45p.)


Visit the SAMADHI HANDBOOK RESOURCE CENTER with images, mantras, etc. for practice & teaching

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Harish JohariGuru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara, Guru Saksat Parabrahma, Tasmae Shri Guruve Namaha

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