To spread the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga, which remains forever the same in essence, yet always adapts to the time and place.

Chakras 2
Chakras 2 - by Pieter Weltevrede

This painting by Pieter Weltevrede shows the location of the chakras, their relation to the five elements and the sounds of the chakras, located within the basic yantra for each chakra. This painting is a later version of Chakras 1.

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Painting ID : PWCH7C02

Every one of the chakras corresponds to an area of the body, certain behavioral characteristics and a stage of spiritual growth. The chakras represent specific psychophysical energies that are activated one by one through the breath along with the flow of the elements throughout daily life. Aroused by the practices of tantra yoga, the dormant spiritual Kundalini energy can be made to leave the first chakra and pierce those above, causing various spiritual experiences to occur.

Closeup of a detail of the painting

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Pieter Weltevrede
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Harish Johari Wash Painting Technique

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Sanatan Society is an international networking association of students of the late Harish Johari, joining efforts to promote his teachings of yoga philosophy, tantra, worship, art and love. Sanatan Society stands for the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga. Though it is Hindu in origin, Sanatan Society is not limited to any religion, race, time or country, nor in fact to any particular organisation. More about Sanatan Society...

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